Open Hours: Monday 9am-7pm | Tuesday 9am-1pm and 7pm-9pm | Wednesday 2pm-5.30pm | Thursday 9am-12.30pm | Friday 9am-6pm | Saturday & Sunday Closed
Need to make a booking? Call 03 8288 1314
Our Techniques
The very core of chiropractic care is to increase the motion within a poorly functioning joint. Thus some form of force must be imparted to achieve this result. At the Healthmont Clinic we use a variety of forces that range from very low force to high force. Beyond skeletal therapy our approaches are outlined below.
Mechanical blocking – a very low force technique
When this technique is chosen a pair of padded wedges are positioned under specific points of the pelvis when lying down, either face up or down. This is a slow and stretching technique and gravity is used to introduce into the pelvic and/or low back articulations a gradual force in the particular direction that seeks to counteract the biomechanical disharmony.
Activator adjusting device – a low force technique
This technique utilises a chiropractic handheld device that delivers a controlled and measurable thrust. It is applied to articulations that have been determined to have faulty biomechanics. The thrust delivered by the device is extremely rapid and the acceleration transmitted into the joint is the physical property that seeks to rectify biomechanical normalcy.
Manual adjusting – high force technique
This technique is only applied after careful consideration which may involve limited success from one of the lower force techniques. It is applied by the hands of the practitioner to the particular joint that has been determined to be faulty. Here it is put under tension and a sudden movement of the hands imparts a force. This physical property applied to the joint frees the bones and seeks to achieve a closer to normal motion within the articulation.
Soft tissue techniques
Issues that involve the soft tissues of the body can be very debilitating and our clinic’s approach is to take these problems very seriously. At the appropriate phase of the recovery process this work will be considered and discussed. A number of therapies can be applied to achieve an improvement within the soft tissue structures. These include;
- Massage via electric device or by hand
- Pressure point therapy
- Trigger point therapy, and
- Cross friction massage
Stretching and exercises
Once motion has begun to stabilise at the affected joint/s rehabilitation can often be accelerated by specific stretching or exercises done at home. This is an encouraging phase to reach as the recovery program changes to have the patient take more of a role in managing their condition. It’s also good in that it is often associated with a reduction in the visit schedule.
The T-bar is manufactured for anyone who works with the soft tissues of the body. Such structures include; muscle bellies, muscular nodules, trigger points, ligament induration, and tenoperiosteal attachments.
For Practitioners: To order a set of T-Bars contact the clinic on
8288 1314 or email
Foot Levelers
The Healthmont Clinic recognises the importance of the architecture of the foot in body biomechanics. Alterations or failures in this architecture can lead to problems in ankles, knees, hips and low back. Accordingly, if it is deemed necessary we can evaluate your feet using the Foot Levelers protocols. This involves taking measurements, doing clinical tests and scanning your arches.
This examination determines if you would benefit from the arch supports, which are ordered from the USA.
For further investigations you can visit the Foot Levelers website;
They have some good articles, thought provoking questions and interesting patient stories.
Clinical Nutrition
Our bodies operate within an incredibly complex environment of elaborate chemistry. All circulating at the same time are vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, neurotransmitters and then there are those hormones of some 50 different types, some endocrine and some reproductive.
When everything is working as it should we are mostly at the top of our game. However when disharmony strikes it can produce quite a different situation.
Clinical Nutrition leans on a variety of assessment techniques to gain insight into any disharmony. Steps are then taken to ensure you get the specific intervention that your body may require.
More information can be found on the Clinical Nutrition page on this website or at
Phone: (03) 8288 1314
Fax: (03) 8288 1316
For Clinical Nutrition
Email: info@the
Phone: 0430 952 400
108 Canterbury Rd, 3135 Heathmont, Victoria
Chiropractic Department Hours:
These are our current hours. They may vary leading up to Public Holidays or vacations.
Monday 9am-7pm
Tuesday 9am-1pm and 7pm-9pm
Wednesday 2pm-5.30pm
Thursday 9am-12.30pm
Friday 9am-6pm
Saturday & Sunday Closed
Clinical Nutrition Department Hours:
Monday 10am-6pm
Tuesday 9am-3pm and 6pm-9pm
Wednesday 11am-3pm
Thursday 10am-5pm
Friday Closed
Saturday & Sunday On request